The Best Podcast API for Search, Directory, and Insights

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For developers, by developers

Official Podcast API Client Libraries:
Try Podcast API with our official Node.js library

Why Listen Notes Podcast API?

High quality podcast database
Our data is aggregated from multiple sources and updated 24/7. Podcast data are inherently messy (e.g., malformed RSS feed, broken audio links...). We built a lot of sophisticated internal tools to clean up such messy data automatically and manually 24/7. Read DOCS for all endpoints and sample JSON responses.
Fast, reliable, scalable
We take care of the complex backend infrastructure, so you can focus on your product. See STATUS for system health.
Save time. Save money.
It costs more than $100 for 1 hour engineering time in San Francisco. Using Listen API can easily save you hundreds of hours engineering time to build a very basic version of your own podcast database and thousands more hours to improve / maintain the infrastructure down the road.
The Best Customer Support
If you subscribe to the PRO or ENTERPRISE plan, you will get fast and informative replies from the founder and CEO of Listen Notes, who built this whole thing by hand and by heart.
Customer love
Trusted by 7,385 companies and developers. Listen API is used by full-fledged podcast player apps, music apps, audiobook apps, smart speaker apps, PR agencies, marketing platforms, content curation services, EdTech products, and more.
Here today and tomorrow
We've been around since 2017 and we plan on being around for a long time. Listen API is a critical part of our core business. We care a lot. We actively improve Listen API. This is unlike other hobby projects from big companies, which can easily disappear after a reorg.

Learn More

API Terms of Use
Using Listen API's FREE and PRO plans signifies your acceptance of the API Terms of Use. For the ENTERPRISE plan, you'll sign a different API Terms of Use.
Please read FAQs, which may help you decide whether or not to use Listen API.
You can use Listen API with code (e.g., Django + React), or without code (e.g., Bubble and Retool).
Podcast Datasets
Just in case Listen API may not be a good fit for your use cases, we do have other ways for you to use podcast data. If you want to play with podcast data in CSV or SQLite files, try Listen Datasets. If you want to monitor podcast mentions for your brand, try Listen Alerts.

Use Cases 🔗

Learn how you can make the most of our products.
E-Learning Platforms
E-Learning Platforms
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to build your eLearning / Educational platforms. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Podcast Clipping Apps
Podcast Clipping Apps
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to build your podcast clipping apps. Fetch podcast audio files and generate clips. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Podcast Listening Apps
Podcast Listening Apps
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to build your podcast listening apps, or add podcasts to your music / audiobook apps. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Podcast Social Apps
Podcast Social Apps
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to add podcasts to your social apps. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Podcast PR / Advertising Platforms
Podcast PR / Advertising Platforms
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to build your podcast pr / advertising platforms. Streamline the process to find podcasts. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Podcast Curation Apps
Podcast Curation Apps
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to build your podcast curation apps. Streamline the process to curate podcasts by topics. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Financial Market Intelligence Platforms
Financial Market Intelligence Platforms
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to add podcasts to your financial market intelligence platforms. Find market signals from podcasts by searching people or topics. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.
Podcast Hosting Services
Podcast Hosting Services
Use Listen Notes Podcast API to submit new podcasts to Listen Notes from your hosting services. Write a few lines of code to search, curate, and stream 3,350,576 podcasts and 196,480,672 episodes.

Ready to get started?

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Start building with Podcast API for free.